Distance Learning

Digital Learning Technology & Resources

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本页概述了教师的数字技术平台和资源, staff and students to connect, perform, and learn online.

建立在我们作为使用远程学习技术的先驱和创新者的悠久历史之上, MSM的Orto远程学习和录音艺术中心现在支持学生和教师使用新技术,使我们所有人都能以有意义和吸引人的方式连接远程和数字学习, wherever we are located in the world.

Chris Shade

Primary Digital Learning Technology Platforms

  • Canvas Learning Management System
  • Kaltura Video Creation and Management System
  • Zoom Videoconferencing Platform

Remote Learning Recommendations and Requirements

  • 设备和软件推荐(可以折扣价购买)
  • Internet Requirements

MSM的Orto远程学习和录音艺术中心帮助学生和教师以有意义和吸引人的方式学习, wherever we are located in the world.

Assistant Dean for the Orto Center

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